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sterile technique for plastic surgery

This courseĀ coversĀ the fundamental standards of sterility, infection control and patient safety for plastic surgery procedures performedĀ in an office procedure room on patients who are awake.Ā Your clinical teamĀ will learnĀ the skills needed to be the best patient advocate and an infection control expert.

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meet your instructors

Sarah Steinke, R.N., has been a nurse for 15 years. She has worked with surgeons both in the office setting and as first assistant in the operating room. Her training and experience has taught her not only how to master sterile technique, but also how to be a champion for infection control and an advocate for patient safety.

Amy Anderson has worked with plastic surgeons for over 20 years. As co-founder of BrinsonAnderson Consulting, her goal is to develop employees to be the very best support for their surgeons and to be advocates for their patients.


be the best support for your surgeon

Your surgeon must trust you to set up the room properly, to ensure sterility is maintained throughout the entire procedure, and to speak up if there is a concern about patient safety.

be an advocate for your patients

Your patients trust you to ensure their procedure is performed in a safe and sterile setting. This means it is your responsibility to take ownership of the procedure room and to be vigilant about your and your team members' sterility at all times.

Sterile Technique for Plastic Surgery



  • Immediate access to theĀ Sterile Technique for Plastic Surgery Course for one user
  • A personalized certificate with the successful passing of an assessment
  • Lifetime access to the course